My personal user config for AstroNvim
Personal website hosted @
A project specifically to centralize the management of package registries.
This is a C implementation of the Huffman coding compression algorithm for my Data Structures I class.
A project for repositories mirrored on [](
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
This is a java based reverse polish notation calculator for my current advanced programming class. I started off buil...
This is a Java implementation of a multiplayer version of Conway's Game of Life two-dimensional cellular automata.
This is a collection of LaTeX, pandoc markdown, and rmarkdown templates for the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
My dotfiles for my Linux rice managed with stow and make
This is the final project for a computer science course at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Script to backup a folder and also be able to maintain several previous versions efficiently